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[VHX]∎ Read Gratis The Healing Heart eBook Jennifer Howard Nick LeVar

The Healing Heart eBook Jennifer Howard Nick LeVar

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Download PDF  The Healing Heart eBook Jennifer Howard Nick LeVar

The Healing Heart is a quirky, fun work of contemporary romantic fiction. It follows Jamie Hansen as she tries to move on in life after losing her husband Paul to a heart attack. Jamie is fully prepared to make lemonade with the lemons life handed to her and to be grateful for what she had while she had it. She doesn't have any expectations when it comes to love, so she is blindsided when she literally runs into handsome real estate broker Conley Michaels. This chance encounter turns her whole world inside out.

Join Jamie on her crazy, introspective, exhilarating, maddening, flirty, self-doubting, madcap roller coaster ride! Will Jamie embrace her second chance at love? And will she allow Conley the space to fill her healing heart?

The Healing Heart eBook Jennifer Howard Nick LeVar

If you see my book collection, you’ll find plenty of YA, fantasy, horror, suspense, sci-fi and graphic novels... so how did I come by a romance novel called the Healing Heart? Although a bit skittish of taking the leap to burrow into a romance novel, I said what the hell, embraced that part of me that also owns instructional books, self help books, motivation books, history and pscych books and pretty much any random thing I can find and I purchased the Kindle version.

It was a great decision.

I’m not going to tell you your life will change after reading the Healing Heart and I’m not even going to entertain the idea of saying it’s the best thing you’ll read ever. I will however go out on a limb and tell you it was a refreshing read. It’s giddy, it’s fun, and it’s lighthearted. That’s a pretty odd way to describe the book since the main character, Jamie, has had a rough patch to rival most other rough patches you could hear about... and that’s just the thing. This story is immediately relatable and her style honestly reads like a very long email from one of those crazy friends you have that make you smile every 1 or 2 sentences and the type that make your inbox a happier place.

So if you have a pint of Cherry García nearby and want to dive into a fun little slice of life, it’ll just take a couple of clicks and $2.99. Enjoy.

Product details

  • File Size 628 KB
  • Print Length 173 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Jennifer Howard; 2 edition (January 24, 2013)
  • Publication Date January 24, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  The Healing Heart eBook Jennifer Howard Nick LeVar

Tags : The Healing Heart eBook: Jennifer Howard, Nick LeVar: Kindle Store,ebook,Jennifer Howard, Nick LeVar,The Healing Heart,Jennifer Howard,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Contemporary Women
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The Healing Heart eBook Jennifer Howard Nick LeVar Reviews

I don't normally read romances... except when forced to. I throw up my walls, close my eyes as tightly as I can, and mutter about ghosts, demons, serial killers and missing corpses until the very idea of love recoils in terror from me. I've dipped my toes in the water on occasion - just to see what the hubub is about - and generally come away wanting a lot of disinfectant. Until now, the only "romances" I could really get behind were the Michele Bardsley Broken Heart series, mainly because it had a healthy dose of humor mixed in, overriding the sappiness factor.

Then I found this. It can safely rest on the shelf next to I'm the Vampire, That's Why, and I'll not feel a quibble of shame. I came across Ms. Howard and her work while prodding the Goodreads forums, and after reading her blog on the site and poking the "Look Inside" option on , I said "Hey! This lady has got a great voice and a warped sense of humor! What the heck, let's give it a rip." I am glad I did.

For the basic synopsis Jamie has had a rough time of things; her husband died three years ago, her father passed recently, and she's been forced into a work, care-for-the-daughter, tend-to-mother humdrum routine that hasn't given her a real chance to mourn... or to heal. But a chance meeting with successful real estate developer Conley Michaels just might change that... if Jamie is willing to open herself up for that kind of change.

I know, typical syrupy stuff. But the execution is where this book shines. It sounds like syrup, if you're just hearing the description... but Ms. Howard's unique voice, warped humor and clear enjoyment of the tale brings a lot more to the table. Her characters are generally much more believable and "real" than your typical romance heroines and gal-pals - oh, noes, Jamie isn't a tall brunette with green eyes, a dusky complexion and a twig-like build who either speaks with monosyllabic self-hate or polysyllabic pedantry! - and while Mr. Michaels may be just a little too Doctor McDreamy, he at least has a snarky attitude without being the "bad boy" stereotype and displays a range of emotional reactions other than "I want you, I love you, I'll be perfect for you," which puts him significantly ahead of his Fabio-cloned predecessors. I especially enjoyed reading the texts between the two early on; while my brain and soul scream in impotent rage when I see a text that says "cant w8 2 c u 2," I also acknowledge that, sadly, this seems to be how most people communicate... and watching these two do so gave them a different feel than the epic love-letters or poor attempts at "flirty" e-mails that litter the modern romance landscape.

The writing is clear and fast, progressing at a steady clip without any long dull bits; the characters' romantic interludes are mentioned without getting too far into purple prose land or delving into softcore porn. There seems to be an excess of exclamation points, and some of the other punctuation is a trifle erratic, but not enough to become truly annoying, even to my entirely-too-technical mind.

The use of Frost's Road Not Taken for chapter headings and sprinkled throughout was well done, and certainly fit the tone of the book, I felt.

Now, the downsides. Thankfully, there aren't many - and not nearly as many as I would expect, given the genre and my own proclivities - but they do need to be pointed out. First, as noted above, the punctuation is a bit sketchy at times, and exclamation points and capitalization crop up a little too often for my liking. Not totally game-breaking, but it should be noted.

Second, while the other interrelationships are reasonably well done, I personally had a hard time with the Jamie/Gretchen situation. Maybe it's due to my own family background, but it was the one thing that strained my believability standards with the touchy/feely mother/daughter relationship. Again, not really all that damaging overall, but might be a little much for some folks.

Last - and I am not voicing my own displeasure, just noting it because I know way too many people who fly off the handle about such things - Jamie and her family are churchgoers. They thank God. They say grace before meals. Personally, I don't know why this would be an issue - reality of the world is, some folks are religious and not every romance character is going to be a hipster pagan agnostic biker werewolf, broaden your horizons a bit, eh? - but I feel it does need to be mentioned for those folks who are mysteriously sensitive to such things.

Overall, I give it a hearty 4 stars, and suggest at least checking out that nifty "Look inside!" button, even if you aren't much of a romance fan. Ms. Howard's style has an appeal that transcends the genre, and her characters are interesting and lovable outside of the "this is the heroine, this is my stand-in for love and chocolate time!" box. Check it out.
Review of The Healing heart by Jennifer Howard.

(4th Review for April)

Rating 4 stars

Lightening can strike twice.
The healing heart, what a beautiful and gentle story. The story is told through the eyes of Jamie a young mother of a teenage girl who lost the love of her life Paul (her husband) who adored her, she had a blissful and happy marriage. For two years she has struggled through life without him and raised their only daughter, until she meets Conley a man who she feels a pull towards straight away.

The love story that unravels between Conley and Jamie isn't heart pounding and electrifying. It's real, with nerves, respect and excitement. It was so beautiful to read and I smiled so much through this book. It's fresh and a real feel good story.
The humour in it also had me laughing from Jamie's little quirks to Conley's quick comebacks. All in all if you want to brighten up your day then read the healing heart it will teach you that Lightening can strike twice.
"The Healing Heart" is a sweet, cheerful (almost too cheerful for me, angst-and-gloom-loving curmudgeon that I am, but hey, sometimes you've got to lighten up a little) contemporary romance that follows the story of Jamie Hansen, a widow with a teenage daughter, who after losing the love of her life is afraid to let herself love again, and Conley Michaels, the man who finally convinces her to. It's escapist and fun, the main conflict coming from Jamie learning to let go of her fears and insecurities and accept that life has offered up something wonderful for her again.

The book is fast-moving, written in a breezy, casual style that takes you right inside Jamie's head. The style is clear and enjoyable and paints a vivid picture of Jamie, her teenage daughter Gretchen, and their world. I also enjoyed reading about Jamie's close relationship with her daughter. Sometimes I felt that the story barely touched on the surface of Jamie's emotions, especially the more difficult ones, and would have liked to dig in a little deeper (but again, that might just be Angsty Me speaking).

There are some fun extras at the end of the book an extensive playlist, a list of music, movies, and TV shows referred to, and Jamie and Conley's meeting from Conley's point of view. This delightful novel is Ms. Howard's debut, and I look forward to seeing more from her.
If you see my book collection, you’ll find plenty of YA, fantasy, horror, suspense, sci-fi and graphic novels... so how did I come by a romance novel called the Healing Heart? Although a bit skittish of taking the leap to burrow into a romance novel, I said what the hell, embraced that part of me that also owns instructional books, self help books, motivation books, history and pscych books and pretty much any random thing I can find and I purchased the version.

It was a great decision.

I’m not going to tell you your life will change after reading the Healing Heart and I’m not even going to entertain the idea of saying it’s the best thing you’ll read ever. I will however go out on a limb and tell you it was a refreshing read. It’s giddy, it’s fun, and it’s lighthearted. That’s a pretty odd way to describe the book since the main character, Jamie, has had a rough patch to rival most other rough patches you could hear about... and that’s just the thing. This story is immediately relatable and her style honestly reads like a very long email from one of those crazy friends you have that make you smile every 1 or 2 sentences and the type that make your inbox a happier place.

So if you have a pint of Cherry García nearby and want to dive into a fun little slice of life, it’ll just take a couple of clicks and $2.99. Enjoy.
Ebook PDF  The Healing Heart eBook Jennifer Howard Nick LeVar

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